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Four chakra balancing methods I swear by

You ever have those days where you don’t feel like yourself?

You know those days! The ones where you can't even figure out what's wrong. Maybe you don’t even know how you feel and everything just feels ‘alien’ to you. I'm talking about craving strange foods, feeling less or more enthusiastic than normal, or maybe even feeling anxious or fearful for no apparent reason.

Well if any of that that sounded familiar (and for most of us it would), then you may have been experiencing a blocked or unbalanced chakra. It happens. But the good news you can learn to balance your chakras and get back to feeling in alignment again.

This post brings to you the five methods for chakra balancing that I recommend and use. Some of them may be a newish concept (hello, flower essences) and others not so new... but it's well worth trying each method if you have the time and patience.

At the risk of telling you how to suck eggs, this is what a Chakra is:

You never know who's reading your pages so I apologise profusely if you find this old-hat or new-hat but.... Chakra is a Sanskrit word that literally means “wheel”; they are imaged as spinning vortexes of energy centres placed at seven specific points on the body; each one serving a specific human function.

For example, the Base Chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with feelings of safety and being ‘grounded’ to your body.

Each chakra has its own vibrational frequency, and the vibration expressed by the chakra is the vibration it holds at that time. Therefore, a chakra that is blocked or over-energised won't express energy at it’s optimal frequency.

In practical terms, a blocked chakra will cause you to feel or act in ways that are out of character for you, often without apparent cause.

> DOWNLOAD FREE PDF: Guide to Chakras & Corresponding Crystals

Why do Chakras become blocked or over-energised?

You can blame your experiences for that. Whether consciously (e.g. hearing someone say bad things about you) or unconsciously experienced (e.g. feeling someone direct negative energy towards you), these moments can give rise to subconscious thought patterns which alter the frequency of the corresponding chakra.

Where most of our experiences are moments that pass through us, some experiences leave energetic wounds if the energy is not dissolved. Spiritual practices such as meditation can help to strengthen our energetic shield, and chakra balancing can bring a chakra back into alignment by healing an energetic wound.

What is Chakra Balancing?

Chakra Balancing is a healing system. It consists of adjusting the vibrational frequency of a chakra so that it is in harmony with the chakra system as a whole. It is similar to the practice of tuning the strings on a guitar – not only will an individual note sound pleasant when it is correctly tuned, but the strings will create a harmonious sound when played together in the right order.

Because Chakras are pure energy (vibrations) centres, they express and impress energy. So any chakra work needs to be done on a vibrational level.

Colours, crystals and chakra stones are energy powerhouses that fall under the banner of ‘Energy Medicine’, as are flower essences and the use of sounds. Energy Medicine is a complementary therapy that works on healing or enhancing the body, mind and soul through the optimisation of a person’s energy fields.

Here are the four methods of Chakra Balancing you really should look into

Method 1: Colour Therapy

All colours are frequencies of light, and the colours of the rainbow have vibrational matches to the seven chakras.

To balance your base chakra, for example, you could dress with a red t-shirt and go about your normal day.The most straightforward way of using colour therapy for chakra balancing is to wear the colour corresponding to the chakra in question.

However, a faster and more potent method of balancing your base chakra would be to incorporate colour work in meditation (try lighting a red candle beforehand) and creative visualisation (picture red energy seeping into your physical body, reaching your base chakra and radiating back through your physical body and then out into your ethereal body.


    Method 2: Crystal Therapy

    Crystals hold their own vibrational frequency and for millenia have been used for healing and enriching oneself on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.

    To balance your chakras using crystal therapy, consult the chart above to select the crystal that corresponds to the chakra. 

    Chakra stone kits are handy option for this as they come ready with seven crystals to correspond to the seven chakras. 

    Some people will hold the crystal during meditation or place it directly onto the chakra area. You could also carry the crystal with you as you go about your day, or even make your own crystal essence.

    I love using chakra stones for spiritual healing because they are easy, accessible and convenient. If I’m especially unsettled I combine chakra stone work with flower essence therapy and meditation until the balance resumes.

    Method 3: Sound Therapy

    I will never forget the first time I heard a ‘singing bowl’. I was at the Sydney Mind Body Spirit festival when a root chakra bowl was played for me against my ear. I was overcome by such unexpected emotion that I was very close to tears. I now have my own singing bowl at home which I use daily as part of my spiritual practice.

    Tibetan Singing Bowls

    Singing bowls (also known as Tibetan singing bowls) are healing and meditation tools used for centuries throughout Buddhist traditions. Striking the side of the bowl or applying friction to the rim of the bowl produces exquisite sounds that almost reaches right into your soul.

    Other sounds that resonate with the chakras include:

    • Vowel Sounds | For a list of vowel sounds and the corresponding chakra see Sound Intentions site
    • Mantras | For a great guide to mantras and their benefits see Mindvalley Academy site
    • Sacred Drumming
 | For in-depth information about sacred drumming and its relationship to chakras see this article by Michael Blake on thoughtco.com

    Method 4: Flower Essences

    A flower essence is an infusion containing the flower’s vibrational imprint which is dropped onto the tongue or mixed with water and ingested. Flower essences have no scent and are used for emotional, spiritual and mental healing and balancing.

    When taking a flower essence to treat a chakra imbalance, I always use an affirmation after each treatment which adds to the vibrational efficacy.

    Bach Flower Remedy is probably the most well known flower essence remedy system. See our sister site BachFlowerEssences.com.au for more information on Bach Flower Remedies.


    Why some people select one particular method for chakra balancing over another is really just down to preference and convenience. Some methods work better than others for some people, but no-one can unequivocally say that one chakra balancing method is better than another. The point is its a good idea to get familiar with the options and to find the one that suits you best.

    All of the methods I’ve written about here are traditional, easy to source and relatively easy to practice.

    > DOWNLOAD FREE PDF: Guide to Chakras & Corresponding Crystals

    Want more Chakra balancing tools?


    What methods have you tried before for Chakra balancing? If you've tried any of these methods previously let us know what you think in the comments below!

    Light and good vibes,


    > DOWNLOAD FREE PDF: Guide to Chakras & Corresponding Crystals

    About the Author

    Kate Barton is a lightworker, spiritual intuitive and proud owner of Basking In Light and BachFlowerEssences.com.au. Both businesses bring mindfulness and wellbeing products from across the globe into the homes of every day Australians. When she isn't working with her online communities Kate reads metaphysical subjects and spends time outdoors with her family.

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